Wednesday, September 19, 2018

My highest recommendation of Candice Fox and FIT Science

Summer Transformations at Fit Science LLC

These clients stayed consistent even though they were on summer vacation.

6/6/18 - 9/7/18 Sandra
Lost 7.9 lbs. overall, 14.4 lbs. in body fat and almost 10 inches.

6/29/18 - 7/10/18 Helen
Lost almost 30 lbs. in body fat and gained 24 lbs. in muscle.

6/18/18 - 7/25/18 Joshua
Lost 15 lbs. overall, 20 lbs. in body fat and lost over 4 inches overall.

Here at Fit Science, We Offer a Variety of Programs To Assist You On Your Weight Loss Journey. From Personal Training To Yoga, We Will Be There For You Every Step Of The Way.

Saturday, November 19, 2016

Hidalgo County has the answer to Obamacare

Necessity is the mother of innovation

Not only did Donald Trump win the 2016 Presidential Election but Hidalgo County’s Proposition 1 Healthcare District was defeated. The Republican Party in Hidalgo has a lot to be excited about but not so much. They don't see to see the clear path ahead of them. Even though the Republicans didn’t win in the Rio Grande Valley the fact that they defeat Proposition 1 is a victory that they can claim all on their own. It is a stepping off point. There is an alternative solution that is custom made for the dilemma that the hospitals have where they can’t refuse treatment which they most likely will never receive payment for, Family Medical Pools. These accounts would be funded by payroll deductions already being taken out of income but instead of going to health insurance where fees are charged and coverage limited it would go into medical savings accounts for specific families. There is no problem doing business across state lines, Doctors wouldn’t have to wait for payment from insurance companies, they would be paid at the point of sale. In the event a patient goes to the emergency room without coverage, they would just be enrolled in their family’s pool. There would be social pressure for members of the family to lead more healthy life styles and not to be going to the doctor for frivolous reasons. Also to get those who aren’t contributing a job so they can contribute to the family Healthcare pool. It would solve the problem which caused the Hospitals in Hidalgo County to propose Proposition 1 and they don’t need voter approval. The Mormon Church has global database of families’ linage which they would be able to utilize in notifying family members of these Healthcare Pool Accounts. All that is required is a cooperating bank and the hospital to adopt it as a solution. There is no underwriting, there would be business opportunities for retired doctors and nurse practitioners as advisors to families when deciding on treatment. With all of the winter Texans in the Valley and the undocumented residents this is an ideal solution. If they seek treatment, they just need to show their ID and the hospital can look up their family healthcare accounts and add them to it.

Sunday, October 2, 2016

Running along the path put in front of me

Running along the path put in front of me

My life is rapidly changing and it is completely due to association, new and reconnecting with past influences. First off I have a girlfriend. She is also a transplant from San Diego California and she is a John Maxwell Leadership trainer and she is an amazing listener who picks up on what I have said and she doesn’t waist a second to connect me with those in her circle that she believes would be a good fit for me. First she introduces me to Joel Garcia a physical education teacher and football coach who helps a local boxing promoter. So we got tickets to the local boxing show in Pharr Texas. Joel sits with us and introduces me to everyone. Then he introduces me to a fighter who he has sponsored Jose Prado. Jose tells me his story about getting over matched during his last fight and after losing every round knocked out his opponent and how they are trying to over match him again. I gave him a little pep-talk and told him not to waste any time feeling this guy out but to jump right on him and let him know that he is going to have to fight. That is exactly what he did and he with a record of 8 and 1 fought to a draw with Shoki Sakai who was 21-6 who has the same trainer as Juan Miguel Marquez. I gave him some pointers after the fight on how to beat this guy when he gets a rematch with him and then I went to his gym on Wednesday and gave him a sequence of combinations to set up his left hook for the next time he fights this guy. I think I got through to him. He is a little hardheaded but that is why he was able to hang with the more experienced fighter like he did but I think I got him to see the benefit of mastering the techniques I showed him.

Then I received a phone call from Enviro-Lite asking me to meet with them and talk about marketing their electrical services. Then I got a call out of the blue from Dave Perry Global Business Strategist & Technology Commercialization Expert. He wanted help marketing a LED Lighting manufacturer that had a high CRI rated module for other LED Lighting manufacturers to use in their fixtures. I didn’t know a lot about CRI but I educated myself and then I called the manufacturer and got some more insight then I self-educated myself on YouTube.  Then I went to my interview with Enviro-Lite and it went well and they gave me a contract to sign. I am going to clarify the “Non-compete” section to make sure that I can still sell LED Lighting to electricians but only generate new projects for them.

With this connection with Dave Perry and the degree program I am applying for with University of Texas Pan-Am in Edinburg to study for a degree in Business Marketing New Communication Technology. With my sales background, finance, drones and LED Lighting I feel that I already have a head start in the marketing of new and disruptive technologies. This made me think about Gifford Marzoni  a friend of mine in Imperial Beach California who was a technician who played a major role in the development of the anti-aids drug Viracept. I looked up his email address and the email was a blog post that I wrote that best described all that I am trying to do leadership and business. It caused me to think about Van Hall. Van was my AOIC in both of my platoons at SEAL Team Four. He was one of those young guys that Dick Marcinko when he formed SEAL Team Six. I first meet Van between my BUD/s classes 133 and 141 in Pensacola. It was a Sunday and I had to put the new AOCS cadets through their power test, push-ups, sit-ups and pull-ups. A First Class (SEAL) Petty Officer stopped me while I was on my way to unlock the building. He was dressed in his summer whites and he stopped me and asked “Where is the chow hall?” I pointed him in the right direction and told him where bldg 633 where he would be attending his leadership training course. Also let him know where the other Navy SEALs were on the base. It was three years later in my first Platoon with the Assistant Officer in Charge, Ensign Hall. Right in the middle of putting together a load out list I stopped and said “I know you!” Then I recalled the encounter in Pensacola. Van had some very admirable characteristics. He had that same direct way of defining his expectations that I had grown used to from the BUD/s instructors and the Vietnam Veterans who had mentored me to this point. Van studied history because he thought it was the easiest course of study to obtain his college degree. He would read the course book and the take a CLEP test and test out of most of his required courses. He was big on physical fitness, strength and he was very competitive. He even tried sparing with me one time, even when I tried to talk him out of it. It took him a while but he did get me to start lifting weights and increase my strength. Van is the reason I shoot as proficient in shooting as I am. My primary goal during my first deployment to the Persian Gulf in 1988 was to get him to stop saying “God Damn it Red”. I would hear “God Damn it Red second site”, “God Damn it Red get the slack out of the trigger”, “God Damn it Red get your grip right”. Then in our second platoon during the work up preparing for Panama we focused mostly on land warfare and jungle warfare and less CQB but we did do some of that training and I was up against Van in a magazine change drill and I beat Van and he was as excited about it as I was. Van used to chew Copenhagen and so did I at the time but my step father made me learn how to swallow my spit when I was indoors instead of spitting in a cup. You have to swallow the spit before it accumulates. You get the hick ups but it isn’t so bad if you don’t let it accumulate. Nobody ever taught this technique to Van. It was no big deal except when he would be briefing an aircrew and he didn’t have his spit cup with him, he would pull out the top pocket of his flight suite and spit into his pocket. It was incongruent with everything else about him that was ultra-professional. I remember talking to him on the phone while I was stationed in Panama and I picked up the phone in Training department when he called and we caught up and I told him that I had quit chewing. Then I ran into him in McPees in Coronado when he was recruiting for a contracting company he was forming up. Then when Al Clark died he inspired me to get back in shape which now is part of my everyday routine. While thinking about the course of study I am about to embark upon Van came to mind and even though he discounted his achievement because it only had a degree in history, I was thinking about how significant it was that he was able to retain the material well enough to pass his CLEP tests and obtain his degree.

The funny thing about the path that the Lord has been laying out in front of me lately, last time I spoke with Van he asked me if I was still boxing and when I told him that I hadn’t since I paid $6,000.00 for implants. He told me that he had been working with MMA fighters and was thinking about a rematch. We had a little laugh but now that I am feeling pretty fit and limber something happened today at Christian Fellowship Church I noticed this guy who was built like a fire hydrant. I asked him what he did for a living and he told me he was a law enforcement trainer and powerlifting coach. When I mentioned that I used to be a Navy SEAL he told me that he has some boys he works with who are interested in Special Forces and the SEALs. I told him that I do the BUD/s workout every Saturday morning and if his boys wanted to work out with me I would love to. Then he introduces me to his associate who was another obviously physically fit gentleman who is a trainer in Krav Maga a form of martial arts that combines boxing and Wing Chin Kung Fu. I am amazed how these opportunities are being put in front of me. Van might get his rematch.